From organization structure you can build your structure (Organizational structure or functional structure) from Company Group, companies, the structure for each company (Sectors, Departments, Davison’s, sections, etc) and a catalogue of jobs that will be used by these organization units Smart HR Support unlimited number of companies, any Hierarchy levels of your company structure Unlimited grading structures with unlimited grades & steps linked to complete Salary structure & Benefits. Organization structure simulation with full cost calculation by defining cost components and run simulation for the simulated structure.
Main Functions
- Company/s Setup
- Company/s Department Structure
- Company/s Functional Structure
- Organization Chart by:
- Department
- Functional
- Department/Functional
- Functional/ Employees
- Department/Functional/Employees
Detailed Functions
- Grades Structures
- Position Setup
- Job Setup & Job Description
- Organization Structure Simulation
- Creating Simulated structure based on current structure
- Modifying simulation by drag & drop
- Simulation Cost Calculation
- Publishing Simulation to life
- Manpower Planning
- Reports.
Benefits and Features
Using smart HR organization structure module you will have a lot of benefits and features as:
- Simple and comprehsive.
- Drag & drop features.
- Process automation in manpower planning.
- Job description detaild setup.
- Budget control form head count & amount.
- Multi user define dimession setup.
- Strong simulation feature.
Supported Structure
smart HR support all diffrerent types of organization structres.